Bowling fundraiser critical for local Big Brothers Big Sisters

Published 9:06 am Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Bowl for Kids’ Sake is the largest annual fundraiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Berrien and Cass.

Pictured, from left to right, are Little Brother Darren, Big Brother Mike and Executive Director Chris Frank take part in the 2012 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Berrien and Cass Bowl for Kids Sake Celebration. Darren and Mike have been matched for more than years. Submitted photo

Pictured, from left to right, are Little Brother Darren, Big Brother Mike and Executive Director Chris Frank take part in the 2012 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Berrien and Cass Bowl for Kids Sake Celebration. Darren and Mike have been matched for more than years. Submitted photo

Last year, the nonprofit organization, which serves Berrien and Cass counties, raised just more than $17,000. This year’s goal is $20,000, according to executive director, Christina Frank.

“This fundraiser is critical. It supports our day-to-day operations, allows us to make more matches and continue the quality of the matches we make,” she said.

The Bowl for Kids’ Sake Campaign Celebration is from 1 to 3 p.m. April 1 at Joey Armadillo’s in Niles.

BBBS provides children facing adversity with staff-supported, long-term, one-to-one mentoring friendships.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Berrien and Cass relies on donations to pair children with adult mentors and to provide consistent match support for the volunteers, children and their families so the mentoring lasts and the outcomes are positive.

More than 170 youth benefited from the local BBBS program last year, Frank said. It costs an average of just more than $1,000 annually to make and monitor a match. The organization also offers lunch buddy programs in 17 school buildings across both counties.

Bowl for Kids’ Sake gives the community a way to support the local BBBS.

People can be involved in a variety of ways, including being a bowler, sponsor, team captain or donor.

For more information, contact Big Brothers Big Sisters of Berrien and Cass at (269) 684-1100, toll free at (877) 367-2244, email or check out the BBBS website at