Technology at Kincheloe
Published 3:43 pm Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Students at Kincheloe Elementary use technology daily to learn and practice a
variety of skills and concepts. In our computer lab students can research topics
related to classroom study, create presentations and practice skills.
We use our computer lab for pretesting, practice, post-testing and even for re-teaching
a concept.
Students use specific programs to improve reading comprehension, reading fluency, math computation and problem-solving skills.
Students can move through these programs at their own pace and teachers can monitor the
progress of each student. Our computer labs are used before school, throughout
the school day and after school for students.
Several of our classrooms are equipped with interactive smart boards. A
smart board is a part of a system that allows it to be used like a touch screen.
A computer and a projector are linked to the smart board and allow viewing of
demonstrations, instruction and reinforcement of skills with interactive games.
A range of activities that span all subject areas and topics allow for higher student
When the computer lab is already in use, our students are able to access
wireless iPads. Students use these hand-held devices in classrooms. They use
them to make presentations, practice skills and research topics.
With internet capabilities, students access many of the same programs that are available in the computer lab.
The iPad is so simple to use that even our youngest learners can
use them with ease. Our older students are able to assist our younger students
when they learn to use the iPad and access new applications.
Use of this technology has changed classroom instruction.
Our teachers are able to choose the best type of instruction and practice and our students are able to be highly engaged in their learning.