No date yet for forum

Published 7:46 pm Tuesday, February 12, 2013


CASSOPOLIS — A suggested June 7 date for Cass County’s 22nd annual Intergovernmental Forum was shot down by county commissioners Feb. 7 because it falls on a Friday.

“Friday night is not the time to have any meeting or get-together,” Commissioner Robert Ziliak, R-Niles, said. “There are no township meetings, no nothing on Friday because it’s the start of the weekend. We’re talking about trying to increase attendance, not decrease it.”

The dinner originally took place in March. As chairman, Ziliak held it on Thursday evening in April, around Earth Day.

“I heard a lot of comments, ‘It’s too late. I’m supposed to be out in the field, plowing,’ even though it was two or three hours. June is summer and it’s still light out. They won’t want to stop being out on their pontoon or fishing. After this year, we should establish a time, like we do for household hazardous waste on the third Saturday in May,” Ziliak said.

He suggested a second or fourth Thursday in March, since the county board meets on the first and third.

Possible dates and venues will be revisited at the Feb. 21 Committee of the Whole.


Three appointments made


CASSOPOLIS — Cass County commissioners Feb. 7 reappointed Stan Green to the Veteran’s Advisory Committee and returned former commissioner Johnie Rodebush to the Cass County Parks Board and to the Southwest Michigan Planning Commission.

Green, a Vietnam veteran, will serve a four-year term ending March 31, 2016.

Rodebush will serve on the parks board until Jan. 1, 2016, and the tri-county SMPC for a term ending Dec. 31, 2015.



— John Eby