Sheriff’s camp calling all kids

Published 4:53 pm Sunday, May 20, 2012

All local fourth and fifth graders are invited to attend the 6th annual Berrien County Sheriff Kids Camp from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. June 20 and 21 and 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. June 22. Proceeds will benefit Berrien County Law Enforcement Explorer Post 602.

This camp will be an action-packed three-day event that will provide children with safety tips and presentations with hands-on demonstrations by Berrien County Sheriff’s Department, Buchanan Police Department, Coloma Police Department, Andrew’s University Campus Police and other local law enforcement agencies, fire and emergency medical training professionals.

Junior deputies/participants will get hands-on experience in areas of law enforcement, fire services, emergency medical service and water rescue. Junior deputies/participants will also get an opportunity to interact closely with police officers, firefighters and EMTs.

The cost for the Sheriff’s Kid’s Camp is $50 (Make checks payable to “Explorer Post 602”) and includes lunch, snacks, goodie bag and Sheriff’s Kid’s Camp T-shirt.

Berrien Sheriff’s Kids Camp is open to the first 40 fourth- and fifth-grade girls and boys who register. Spots are limited so registration deadline is on or before June 3. Registration can be mailed to the Berrien County Sheriff’s Department, 919 Port St., St. Joseph, MI 49085, Attn: Kelly Laesch, or emailed to