The City of Niles doesn’t need a handout

Published 9:07 pm Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Dear editor:

In regard to the $262,000 grant the City of Niles has received from our U.S. government, when I read the article in the Daily Star, as well as other newspapers, how some of the residents suggest to spend the grant, I was quite upset as to the way some wanted to spend the grant money.

What has happened to our citizens? Do they not realize this money comes to them from tax monies that have been paid in by the working public?

Just look at the national debt. Wouldn’t it make a lot more common sense to just return it to the Treasury Department to help reduce our national debt?

No wonder our country is in financial ruin, having to rely on China to pay our bills.

Our society of today seems to have its hand out for anything and everything that it can get free! New sidewalks downtown? Weren’t they just completely redone just a few years ago?

Free rent for six months to new merchants to relocate downtown?

Wake up, citizens. Nothing is free. Get a job and pay your own way.

Don’t be like our elected officials who always have their hands out for more free stuff.

David D. Rachels Sr.
