Media won’t acknowledge Ron Paul

Published 7:21 pm Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Dear editor,

Isn’t it obvious that the establishment media refuses to acknowledge Ron Paul as a serious contender in the presidential race? Isn’t it time that the people, such as myself, say something about it?

The fact that Paul beat Gingrich in Iowa and Santorum in New Hampshire with a respective third- and second-place showing should prove something in itself, but the pundits continue to either ignore, marginalize and ridicule Paul because he is out of lockstep with the neo-conservative establishment status quo.

How long will We the People tolerate the corporate owned media’s promotion of their anointed and approved candidates?  After all, six, count them — six —corporations own more than 95 percent of the media outlets; networks, TV stations, newspapers, magazines, production houses…

You name it — chances are, they own it and who they don’t like is plain and simple: They don’t like Ron Paul.

Why? Ron Paul does not accept corporate PAC money so lobbyists don’t even knock on his door. To me that shows that he can not be bought. I see that as a positive trait in someone who I trust would run this country, based on his integrity, don’t you?

Next, Ron Paul wants accountability from the Federal Reserve and  a return  to sound money.

Since the Federal Reserve has autonomy to create (at will) money from nothing and lend it to congress as its fiscal irresponsibility hits new highs daily, the fed and the power behind those who control it don’t want Paul to dismantle their profitable monopoly, even though past presidents have warned Americans about the dangers of central banking since the inception of this nation and had ended two central banks in the past.

Funny how all the candidates talk about the fed now, having their ear to the political winds, but Paul has been talking about it for 30 years.

Further, the so-called conservatives are determined and bound to continue U.S. involvement, not only in the middle east, but in South America and across the globe.. to expand our militarism and attack more sovereign nations thus supporting the military industrial complex and literally the only manufacturing left in this country propagating the war machine; something outgoing President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned us about way back in 1959. Does anyone realistically believe that killing countless numbers of people in other countries keep us more secure? As the lawmakers continue to kill the Bill of Rights, soon we will be doing it here at home, starting with political dissidents, but no one will know.

Ron Paul wants to bring the soldiers home and close 800-plus military bases in over 130 countries across the globe and use them to secure our own border.

This does not mean Paul wants to cut defense spending, but rather cut militarism spending such as paying the contractors who remain in Iraq and  maintaining the billion dollar embassy the U.S. built there.

In the wake of the passage of the NDAA, Paul immediately authored a bill to remove the indefinite detainment provisions and protecting you and me from the administration’s indefinite detainment powers. Are there any co-sponsors yet?

Finally, the most important issue and one that should really get you to consider Ron Paul is that none of the other three Republican candidates, with the slight exception of Sen. Santorum, nor the current president believe that you or I hold any rights as secured by the greatest documents ever prepared by mankind; our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution and our Bill of Rights.

It is these very documents which are under attack by the very people who claim to support and defend them, beginning with the Patriot Act, then moving to the Military Commissions Act, the indefinite detainment provisions in the NDAA, and now a new bill proposed called the Enemy Expatriation Act.

With the NDAA  first supported and then defended by our own Congressman Fred Upton, and approved by 93 out of 100  U.S. senators, We thePeople should pause to see how these folks are betraying our trust and failing to fulfill their oaths of office whereas they are obligated to defend and support the Constitution of the United States, as in defending these rights and keeping the federal government in check as described in Art I Sec 8 of our Constitution and not a GD piece of paper as denoted by the former POTUS.

This government is absolutely out of control and only We the People, outside of the rhetoric promoted by the mainstream media, can and need to do something about it.

Out of the final four, only Ron Paul defends these sacred documents and understands the federal government is truly out of control. No other candidate, addresses this issue, but instead justifies everything I mentioned above. “Romgrich” claims Obamacare as the biggest threat facing us.

Although I am convinced that it will be found unconstitutional eventually, it is far from the biggest threat we face, but it is  harmonious with the constant erosion of our rights.

There is no question in my mind and most others whom I have spoken to, that Ron Paul does not get a fair shake by the media and never has. There are plenty of analysis, graphs and charts available to prove this.

The so-called electable  and once-called “front runners” Cain, Bachmann and Perry have come and gone. Never  were they accused of being unelectable. Never were they marginalized or called fringe or gadfly. Never were they paraded in front of the public as never being the Republican nominee, as is and has been, consistently promoted about Paul in nearly every article written about him.

This, my friends and neighbors, says a lot and should have you take a closer look at Paul’s policies and solutions in order for us to regain a more free and more prosperous America, which for the most part, has been lost.

In my heart I truly believe Ron Paul may be the last chance we have to change direction and restore this once-great nation.

If as many folks who have stated I’d vote for Paul if he could win, would. He would and will definitely win.

In liberty,

Ray Kirkus

Republican Candidate, Berrien County Commissioner 9th District

Republican Precinct delegate, City of New Buffalo