Join Occupy Southwest Michigan on Saturday in Niles
Published 9:01 pm Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Occupy Southwest Michigan hosts another rally from 4 to 6 p.m. in Niles.
“Meet us in front of Niles City Hall and show your support for Occupy Wall Street and the rest of the worldwide movement to take back our respective countries from rampant corporate greed,” Mathew Rosenhagen, a resident of Niles and an organizer, said.
Rosenhagen urges participants to bring signs.
“We will also vote on several new issues raised at Occupy St. Joe and vote on the location of our next destination. (Benton Harbor, can you hear us?) This movement has been more successful than anything Berrien County has seen in generations and we need to keep it rolling.”
Rosenhagen delineated the group’s goals:
• Break up the big banks. After causing an economic crisis and getting bailed out they have done nothing but grown more powerful.
•End corporate welfare and end the subsidies to the oil industry.
• End corporate “personhood.” Get money out of politics. Corporate money has corrupted both parties.
• Jail the financial criminals. Enforce the anti-trust and anti-monopoly laws. Fully investigate the illegal mortgage and foreclosure practices.
• End the war in Afghanistan.
• Save the planet.
• Repeal Taft-Hartley and other laws that obstruct labor from organizing.
Other goals the group would like to attain on the state level include:
• End the assault upon the middle class and impoverished.
• Stand up to the attacks on labor unions and teachers.
• Prevent the privatization of our state agencies and public schools.
• Halt the selling of our state resources for profit.
• Maintain our rights to locally elected government.
Call Rosenhagen at (269) 362-4763 or William Crandell at (269) 325-0644.