Dinner was volunteer effort
Published 11:50 pm Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Dear editor:
Dowagiac VFW Post 1855 would like to thank all the volunteers, who, with post members, put on the dinner for our Guard unit being deployed to Afghanistan.
This is the third time the VFW Post has put on a dinner for our deploying troops in the last eight years. More than 500 people were served, which included Guard troops, family and friends.
Jamie Stone Mcenaney from the Family Readiness Group (her husband was deploying) was the driving force behind this dinner. Without her, this dinner would not have gone as smoothly as it did.
In the past, the VFW put out all money for the dinners; this time, with her help, we asked donations from local businesses. The dinner cost more than $1,500.
Thanks to all that donated: Dowagiac Family Fare, Round Oak Restaurant, Rev’s Video, Caruso Candy Kitchen, Mr. Wahoo’s, Burger King, Creative Vinyl, Midwest Energy, Paw Paw Arby’s, St. Julian Winery, Look Sharp, Harding’s of Pullman, The Home Depot of Three Rivers, Inter Care/Wic, Pride Care Ambulance, Harford Speedway, Niles Walmart, Niles VFW, Meijer of Benton Harbor, Gordon Food Service, J.R. Smucker’s, Decatur VFW, Hard Times Restaurant, Edgewater Bank, First Presbyterian Church, Decatur Republic, Bangor/South Haven VFWs, Keeler/Lawrence United Methodist Church, Waffle House of America in Lawrence, Girl Scouts of Kalamazoo (all donating cookies), Buchanan American Legion, South Bend Farmers’ Market, Edwardsburg American Legion (for donations and volunteers), Mark Emmons, Beta Sigma Phi Theta Mu and a big thanks for Coca-Cola and Pepsi for donating the drinks for dinner and other events to help raise money for the dinner.
Also, thanks to the many others who helped in many ways, who gave freely to help out troops spend quality time with family and friends before they were to leave. Great job from John Eby for covering the event.
From early in the morning of Sept. 24, all the help from the ladies who washed, cleaned and cut all the vegetables for the relish trays, salads and also served the dinner, it was a very long day for all. Thanks to the four members of the Edwardsburg American Legion who cooked and served and the Blue Star Mothers of Paw Paw, who also helped serve and clean up. It all went smoothly with everyone’s help.
The VFW is a proud group of veterans, along with its men’s and ladies’ auxiliary, which has freely given back to the community when asked and are proud to do so. We stand behind all federal and local laws.
Terry Elrod
Post Quartermaster