Brandywine 11th-graders improve in most testing areas
Published 9:37 pm Thursday, September 22, 2011
Brandywine Middle/High School students have shown marked improvement on state tests, Principal Pat Weckel has reported.
He updated the board of education Monday on the schools’ progress.
The 2011 Michigan Merit Exam (MME) results show 11th-graders improved significantly in science, writing, reading and math.
Of the 88 11th-graders tested:
• 36 students met or exceeded proficiency in writing; 51 did not
• 56 students met or exceeded proficiency in social studies; 29 did not
• 50 students met or exceeded proficiency in science; 36 did not
• 59 students met or exceeded proficiency in reading; 36 did not
• 44 students met or exceeded proficiency in math; 41 did not
Scores were down from the year before in only one area — social studies.
Brandywine’s scores increased in all areas of the ACT.
The high school met Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) — a requirement under the No Child Left Behind legislation for schools and districts to show annual improvement toward federal goals in certain areas — in 2010-11.
The middle school (grades 7-8) also met AYP, and was given an “A” in math, “B” in reading, “C” in science and “D” in social studies on the state report card — a system available so the public can learn how schools are performing.
Works in progress, Weckel said, include adding more prep time for ACTs, aligning curriculum, addressing after-school credit recovery and working on instructional strategies.