Niles names Top 10 Seniors

Published 10:02 pm Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Niles High School has named its Top 10 Graduates for the Class of 2010. Graduates are ranked based on grade point average. Graduation is May 27 at 7 p.m.

Kylie Carpenter, 4.14306 GPA
Kylie, the daughter of Brian and Kenda Carpenter, of Niles is involved in National Honor Society, Ecology Club, Science Olympiad, Student Council and played JV soccer in ninth and 10th grades. She is also employed at Signal Point Country Club; is a tutor for summer school and high school students; volunteers with Lakeland Hospital, Wesley United Methodist Church, Fernwood, Adopt-A-Highway, CROP Walk and Niles Haunted House.

Kylie enjoys bike rides, running, reading and playing the piano.

Kylie is a Class of 2010 valedictorian; attended the Berrien County Math and Science Center for four years; has served as National Honor Society treasurer; Ecology Club president; Science Olympiad co-president; Math and Science Center class president; Niles-Buchanan Rotary Student of the Month; third place at the regional Envirothon competition in 2009 and 2010; and attended the Keystone Youth Policy Summit in Kalamazoo in the summer of 2009.

Kylie plans to attend the University of Michigan for undergraduate studies, then attend medical school with the desire to become a primary care physician.

Alexandra Hoyt, 4.13917 GPA
Alexandra, the daughter of Randy and Lynette Hoyt, of Niles has been involved in cross-country and track for four years of high school. She is the historian of the National Honor Society; involved in student council; Drug-Free Players (secretary); journalism (business editor); Counter Points (treasurer); Key Club; and N-Club.

Alexandra is involved with a theater group called Kids on Stage and has performed in 11 musical productions. She is a volunteer and helps with musical summer camps for Kids on Stage. She takes four dance classes per week: jazz, ballet, tap and hip-hop. She is active in her church youth group and leads Sunday school for the elementary levels once a month. During the summer she participates in 4-H and volunteers at the St. Joseph Regional Medical Center in the Pediatric Physical Therapy Department. She is also involved in Relay for Life.

Alexandra has been nominated for best lead actress in a musical by the National Youth Theatre and selected to attend the Berrien County Math and Science Center.

She plans to attend Hope College and obtain a bachelor’s degree and then attend graduate school to receive a doctorate in physical therapy.

Zachary Mattson, 4.12265 GPA
Zachary, the son of Marvin and Angela Mattson, is involved in student council, Key Club, National Honor Society and Science Olympiad as well as Relay for Life and summer school tutoring.

Zachary is a four-year student at the Berrien County Math and Science Center at Andrews University and is vice president of the center. He has also served as president of Science Olympiad. He took first place at the MITES Regional Model House Competition and second at the state MITES for the model house. He was Rotary Student of the Month in February 2010.

Zachary plans to attend Purdue University to study engineering.

Alison Landgraf, 4. 04991 GPA
Alison, the daughter of Ann and Bill Landgraf, of Niles is involved in Drug-Free Players; National Honor Society; vice president of student council; officer for Class of 2010; vice president of Counterpoints Show Choir; captain of the women’s varsity tennis and women’s varsity golf teams; and participant in the annual spring musical. She is very involved as a tutor at Ballard Summer School.

Alison has been Rotary Student of the Month (grade 12); Scholar Athlete (grades 9-12); AP Psychology Test Award (three times in grade 12); Sportsmanship Award for tennis (grade 11); Outstanding Academic Award for geometry (grade 9); and Outstanding Academic Award for Spanish (grade 9).

After high school, Alison plans to attend the University of Michigan to pursue a bachelor’s degree in neuroscience with a minor in psychology.

Shannon McKeel, 4.04944 GPA
Shannon, the daughter of Michael and Robin McKeel, of Niles is involved as student council president; National Honor Society Keeper of the Cords; class officer; N-Club; varsity cross-country; varsity soccer captain; features editor of The Viking Journal; and yearbook editor. Shannon is also a tutor at Ferry Street Resource Center and involved with the First Presbyterian Church of Niles Youth Group.

Shannon has been a recipient of the Steven N. Tyler Citizenship Award.
Shannon plans to attend Michigan State University to study kinesiology.

Bethany Buda, 4.03130 GPA
Bethany, the daughter of Karin and Jeffrey Buda, of Niles is involved in marching band, color guard, tennis and Health Occupations Students of America. She is a junior volunteer at Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center; National Society of High School Scholars; and National Youth Leadership Forum: Medicine.

Bethany won first place in the HOSA Regional Medical Terminology Competition; won the best attitude award in marching band; and has been a color guard captain.

After high school, Bethany plans to attend Michigan State University and obtain her bachelor’s degree in biology, then attend medical school to pursue a career in health sciences.

Lena Cramer, 4.03093 GPA
Lena, the daughter of Jeffrey and Teresa Cramer, is involved in varsity golf, varsity tennis, student council, National Honor Society, Business Professionals of America (president) and has been a four-year class officer. Lena is also involved in tutoring at St. Mary’s School in Niles and altar serving at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Niles.

Lena has been named 2008 all-regional for Division II varsity golf; 2008 state qualifier for Division II varsity golf; 2009 SMAC West Division medalist, varsity golf; and 2006 Division II All-State Academic varsity tennis.

Lena plans to attend the University of Michigan in fall 2010 to study finance of a field of mathematics.

Gabriel Casey, 4.02547 GPA
Gabriel, the son of Michael and Cozetta Casey, of Niles is involved in Business Professionals of America; volunteers at the Humane Society of St. Joseph County; is active in the National Wildlife Foundation; entrepreneurial activities in conjunction with the Edward Lowe Foundation; and a Microsoft Dream Spark participant.

Gabriel has served as vice president of the BPA and a state competition qualifier; former DECA treasurer and state competition qualifier; 2010 Michigan delegate to the U.S. Senate Youth Program in Washington D.C.; studied four years of French; and is a dual enrollment student through Lake Michigan College.

Gabriel plans to attend the University of Notre Dame for both undergrad and graduate school, get an executive level  job and maybe run for political office.

Margaret Hein, 4.01347 GPA
Margaret, the daughter of Ron and Leona Hein, of Niles is active in varsity tennis; FFA; marching band; symphonic band; 4-H; Key Club; the Berrien County Math and Science Center; and National Honor Society. She has volunteered through the Four Flags Chamber of Commerce and the Volunteer Center of Southwest Michigan and played flute for services at St. Mary’s Church in Niles.

Margaret was on the national first runner-up parliamentary procedure team and competed nationally in the agricultural classes contest, both of which require a state championship. She has receive multiple No. 1 ratings at all-state solo contest and ensemble. She was the 2009 Cass County Fair queen and is an accredited parliamentarian. Her parliamentary procedure team was ranked first in two separate national knowledge exams.

Margaret plans to attend Michigan State University to major in psychology and then either attend law school or go into a field of psychology.

Christian Ezell, 4.00611 GPA
Christian, the son of Tracy and Laura Ezell, of Niles is involved in varsity golf, youth group and as a middle school soccer team coach. He has been involved with mission trips, soup kitchens and food drives and named to the honor roll and for various academic awards.

Christian plans to attend the University of Michigan to student movement science and physical therapy.