Postal service should cut wages

Published 10:42 am Friday, April 2, 2010

Dear editor:

With the postal service contemplating the elimination of Saturday deliveries, how about considering some major reform, beginning at the top? Cut the wages of postmasters and eliminate postmaster relief. Gone are the days when the post exam score had any significance in regard to being hired. Gone are the days of knowing your carrier and the security of trusting, as nowadays, anyone is eligible for hire, regardless of knowledge.

The job training is done an hour from your home, which is paid for by USPS, as well as training for four days, requiring a three-night stay at a hotel, all expenses paid. Grand total of training one person – around $1,000, then you are given 90 days of employment as a temp at more than $20 an hour.

Why not give local training, regular employment, even if it’s part-time at a lesser wage? Why are jobs being sacrificed just because upper management has no better ideas how to save money?

Saving our economy begins at home.

Shirley Kirsch