Breaking-and-enterings numerous in Berrien County
Published 8:59 am Friday, March 26, 2010
The Berrien County Sheriff’s Road Patrol and numerous law enforcement agencies in Berrien county are reporting an increased number of car breaking-and-enterings countywide.
The suspects are smashing car windows and are stealing purses, laptops, bags containing workout items, bowling balls and easily removable items.
Vehicle burglary is most often a crime of opportunity. Our own carelessness is often causing our vehicles to be broken into and our valuables removed. You can minimize your chances of being a victim by taking away the opportunity.
Here are some helpful tips to remember:
• Lock your car
• Park in well lighted areas
• Clean it out: don’t leave anything in it
• Remove the garage door opener
• Park in the garage
• Close all the windows
These crimes have been occuring in parking lots of our hometown parking lots… reduce the chances of becoming a victim and take a few minutes to remove your items from sight and if you see someone or something suspicious contact your local police department right away.