Niles Garden Club stays busy

Published 11:45 am Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Niles Garden Club held their November meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 3, at the Law Enforcement Complex on the corner of Main and Silverbrook.

Karen Sherwood was welcomed as a new member. Margo Shebull gave a talk on Blue Star Mothers of American Inc., who sponsors the Support The Troops Christmas Open House on Saturday, Nov. 14. at the Michigan Lutheran High School. They are packing boxes to send to our troops and everyone is encouraged to attend their open house.

Bobbie Quick brought everyone up to date on the Blue Star Highway Memorial Dedication on Nov. 10 at the Welcome to Niles Garden.  Many local politicians will be on hand along with a bugler and a bag pipe player. Everyone is invited and encouraged to invite any local veteran to the dedication.

The Garden Party at the Niles Community Library will be on March 20 with programs on green gardens, vegetable gardens, garden art with a trip to Fernwood for a program on lilacs and flowering shrubs.

Everyone’s holiday greens orders have been placed and will be delivered Nov. 20. The Christmas party was discussed. It will be at the Riverfront Cafe on Dec. 1 at 12:30 p.m.

Everyone is to bring a white elephant, something funny or useful. The plant sale next year will be on May 15 at Riverfront Park at the Farmers Market area.  This is a week after Mother’s Day. Hostesses for the meeting were Shelly Gates and Carole Pilewski.
Judy Richter, a landscape design consultant and member of TNGC, gave a talk on trees.

The meeting was adjourned with everyone to be at the dedication on Tuesday.

Anyone wanting further information on the Niles Garden Club can call Wendie Stephenson at (269) 262-0034 or check out their Web site at