Don’t become a victim

Published 5:53 pm Friday, December 19, 2008

By Staff
With the holidays in full swing, a lot of people will be traveling over the next few weeks.
Now is a prime time for criminals to seek out those residences for burglaries.
Here are a few tips to help prevent such crimes:
Examine the exterior of your home. Make sure all locked doors and windows have a tight fit when closed. Check to see if there is any 'wiggle room' that could give a thief enough space to jimmy it open.
Walk around your property and make sure there is nothing that can be used to climb to upper floors. Look in your windows to make sure blinds are positioned to screen the interior view, but not completely closed.
You may want to move computers and televisions away from prying eyes. Never leave an 'emergency key' hidden outside your home.
Always leave your home in a secure state, regardless of the amount of time you expect to be away. A burglar watching your home is capable of taking what he wants in a few carefully planned moments.
When you are a way from the house, particularly for an extended period, be sure to make it look live-in. Put timers on a few lights at varied times; put a timer on a radio set to a talk-radio station; install a dusk/dawn outside light or motion detector; ask a neighbor to pick up your mail and any circulars that might pile up on your doorstep; and stop delivery of newspapers and other mail.
In many instances installing a home alarm system will give you protection, a sense of calm and even a discount on your homeowner's insurance.
Just a few of these steps can help protect your home from thieves and make it an enjoyable holiday season.
Tips provided by