Matthews challenging Cureton

Published 8:59 am Tuesday, June 17, 2008

By Staff
Ron Matthews, 33, of Courtland Street, Dowagiac, announces he is seeking the position of Cass County commissioner District 11.
Ron and his wife Heidi are lifetime residents of Dowagiac.
Ron is running for the position because he believes that the county-elected officials need the support of young and enthusiastic commissioners.
Ron has an extensive knowledge in computers and technology, and believes that county government needs to incorporate technology into all aspects of county business to make government more cost-effective.
People are using the Web for many services, and county government needs to step up to make Web access services available at all levels.
Ron has a special interest in management and administration, and believes commissioners need to be more aware and supportive of the needs of the various county officials.
In difficult economic times, county government needs to be more attuned to the needs of the citizens.
An example would be expenses incurred through travel time to the courthouse.
These expenses could be saved through technological means and technology in general.
Being a lifetime resident, Ron has a good understanding of what the people of Dowagiac expect from county government.
Ron is running on the Republican ticket.
The primary is Aug. 5.
The general election is Nov. 4.
There will be a meet-the-candidate event sponsored by the Committee to Elect Ron Matthews on June 21 from 1 to 4 p.m. at 412 W. Wayne St.
Refreshments will be provided.
Yard signs and T-shirts will be available.