Obama, Clinton and the endgame

Published 7:06 pm Tuesday, May 27, 2008

By Staff
Sometimes your best defense in politics is to take offense. Sen. Hillary Clinton appears to take that tack when she condemns "sexism" in media coverage of her campaign as "deeply offensive to millions of women."
In an interview with the Washington Post's Lois Romano, she criticized the "vitriol" from "misogynists" along her quest for the presidency. She complained that media discuss the race factor much more than gender, even though "every poll I've seen (shows) more people would be reluctant to vote for a woman (than) to vote for an African American, which rarely gets reported on, either."
Does she have a point? You can bet your "Hillary Clinton Nutcracker" – on sale at many airport souvenir shops – that she does.
I don't begrudge the New York senator one bit for feeling upset about some of the more extreme insults she has faced, even though she knew what she was getting into. She's hardly new to controversy. Still she aspires to be regarded as a strong, historic leader in the mold of Britain's Margaret Thatcher, except from the political left. Instead, she's often ridiculed by pundits and other wiseacres as a political version of the maniacal and murderous spurned lover played by Glenn Close in "Fatal Attraction." Not that Obama's path has been free of racial indignities. There's the Marietta, Ga., bar owner, for example, who has been selling T-shirts that proclaim "Obama in '08" beneath an image of Curious George, the cartoon monkey, peeling a banana. Mike Norman, the barkeeper, says the shirts are not meant to be racist. He just thinks it's cute, he says, that the Illinois senator and the children's book character "look so much alike." Right. Just be careful where you wear yours, Mike.
Remember, for example, the jerk who held up a sign saying, "Iron my shirts," during a Clinton speech in New Hampshire? The mischief was dismissed within days as the work of a boneheaded prankster. But, as Clinton supporters have pointed out, if a white man had waved a sign at an Obama rally saying "Shine my shoes," we'd still hear the national uproar.
Clinton may have a point when she says we have not talked as much about gender in our national media chatter as we talk about race. The double standard grows out of a fundamental difference in demographics and political psychology: Obama, presenting himself as an agent of change, benefits from transcending race. Clinton benefits from using gender to give her campaign the gloss of a higher cause – and a cover-up for her past political baggage.
Many women I talk to, including some who oppose her politics or personality, admire her gumption. They sympathize and empathize with her struggle to walk the thin line between opposing nurturing mommy and strong daddy roles that a male-dominated world calls on her to play.
As a result, we have seen the hailstorm of perceived slights or cheap jokes aimed at Clinton help give her a boost with many women who see in her public humiliations some of their own.
All of which makes the endless debates over what is worse – racism or sexism – irrelevant to Obama as he closes in on the Democratic nomination. The big question for his campaign is how they can treat Clinton and her supporters with the dignity that will keep them in the Democratic camp for the general election.
The last thing their party needs is a replay of the embarrassing 1980 scene at the National Democratic Convention, in which then-President Jimmy Carter practically chased his defeated challenger, Sen. Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts, around the stage, trying in vain to get a handshake for the television cameras.
As both candidates figure out their endgame, we are again hearing talk of Obama and Clinton as running mates. As a Band-Aid for the party's wounds, it could be the most effective alliance since John F. Kennedy chose Lyndon B. Johnson in 1960. But, as an alliance of two very different personalities, it could be as bad as some of the other bad political match-ups of candidates who hardly seemed to know or like each other very much.
Even if she's not Obama's running made, it would benefit Clinton's political future to work with visible enthusiasm for Obama's election, even if she privately hopes he loses. She could return to the Senate and build her status as an elder stateswoman, unburdened by blame for Obama's loss as she prepares for a run in 2012 or even 2016.
Either way, Obama has shown a historic ability, despite bumps in the road, to transcend the nation's vexing racial divide. If he's the nominee, he'll need all the help he can get to bridge the gender divide, too.