Season opens

Published 6:50 pm Saturday, May 24, 2008

By By JESSICA SIEFF / Niles Daily Star
BUCHANAN – On Friday afternoon, third graders from Ottawa elementary school made a visit to Buchanan's famed and historic Pears Mill. According to Tom Fehlner at the mill, the visit was one of a series of visits from area third grade classes this week. And it's just the beginning of events that will take place at Pears Mill this season.
Pears Mill officially opens Saturday. The mill is open regularly on Saturdays from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day, and on special event Sundays. One of those special events will be taking place on Sunday.
From 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. the public can make a visit to Pears Mill, to take part in a "Historical Architectural Wellness Walk." At the mill, visitors can pick up a pamphlet that will outline some local, historical sites within the downtown area. Martha Cleveland, Nancy Cameron and Corbin Detgen coordinated the walk. "This will be sort of a do-it-yourself walk," said Fehlner. Those who take part will follow the map of historical sites provided, walking at their own speed "and learn a little bit more about their town," he added.
An estimated 1,100 to 1,200 people visit the mill each season, according to Fehlner. This walk was designed "to make it a little bit more interesting for the local people who have already seen the mill."
For those who've never been, Pears Mill, which is non-profit, operates on donations and revenue generated by the mill's gift shop. Pears Mill is an operational flour mill with a working waterwheel. Visitors can see historic signs of Buchanan and even take a look at the mill's gift shop.
The start of the season looks to be another busy one for the people working at Pears Mill with events that include "Piping at the Mill" on June 15 by the Thistle and Heather Pipe Band, "Working with Wood" June 29 and the Old Mill Fest in August. As for the third graders who had a chance to watch the waterwheel in action, they will get a special reception at the mill on Sunday, June 1 with music by The New Town Cryers.