Dockerty, Bergemann lost back to back

Published 4:35 am Thursday, January 17, 2008

By Staff
To the editor:
In the last several days, the community of Dowagiac has lost two of its finest and most dedicated public servants, Mr. Russell Bergemann and Mr. Kenneth Dockerty.
When I attended DUHS in the mid 1990s, I had the opportunity to learn from both men.
Mr. Bergemann was a very talented football coach who passionately studied the game.
I fondly remember playing freshmen football under his tenure.
He was very skilled at motivating young people and did so using his keen, yet subtle, sense of humor.
Mr. Dockerty was a tremendous classroom teacher.
He was an intellectual who always challenged his students with thought-provoking questions and comments.
My interest in world history was enhanced by the enthusiasm Mr. Dockerty displayed while instructing the subject.
These two men educated, mentored, coached and inspired thousands of students over the course of their careers.
They will be missed.
Heidelberg, Germany