Cleanup continues

Published 10:28 pm Saturday, August 25, 2007

By Staff
NILES – Cleanup crews continue to work throughout the city cleaning up fallen trees and limbs from Thursday's storm. They were to shut down the operation at the end of the day Friday, provided they have all streets open and have removed city trees that have fallen onto houses.
Cleanup work will resume at 7 a.m. Monday morning, giving residents an opportunity this weekend to clean up their yards and haul branches to the edge of the street.
Crews will cover the city street by street and they ask that residents NOT CALL the Department of Public Works to request to be placed on the brush chipping list since they are not maintaining a list for this cleanup work.
Residents should follow these rules as closely as possible to help expedite the cleanup process:
Material must be placed at the curb or edge of roadway by no later than 7 a.m. Monday morning, with the cut ends facing toward the street whenever possible. Do not place limbs or brush in the street.
Vines, leaves, limbs and brush with dirt attached, rose and other thorn bushes, lawn and flower clippings, and limbs mixed with wire, nails or other trash will not be picked up.
The cleanup is not intended for tree topping or removal that would normally be handled by a tree removal contractor.
Do not cover the water meter lid in the boulevard. This limits the meter reader's access to our meter which may cause readings to be estimated.