Cold a teaching opportunity
Published 5:03 am Wednesday, February 7, 2007
By Staff
During this time of bitter cold and mounting snow, it is most important to remember those who are especially vulnerable in this weather – our elderly and our disabled.
Villages and cities often require snow to be removed along walkways to enable the mail delivery to continue.
Check on your neighbors who might not be able to handle their own snow removal.
Often, they would gladly pay for the service of a young person to shovel, to help take out the trash and bring home a few groceries, but they don't know whom to call.
Winter is a lonely time, but even more so when people are forced to be housebound.
Extending yourself to visit someone who might be in need will help you, too, along with aiding the senior citizen.
Good deeds do not go unnoticed.
This is a wonderful opportunity to teach your children both respect for the elderly and how they can help others.
Whether they get paid or not, have them clear the walks of those you know are unable to clear their own.
They may need for you to pick up some medicine from the pharmacy or a gallon of milk from the store.
The bad weather won't last forever, but to someone shut-in without the means to leave their home, it may seem like it.