Finally all the name calling ends

Published 8:59 am Thursday, November 9, 2006

By Staff
It is all over now, except for the promises to become fulfilled.
This election campaign seemed to be filled with a more than normal amount of ads in which one candidate accused the opponent of lies and more.
Michigan television watchers were forced to endure nasty back and forth accusations by Indiana candidates, along with ones of their own state's candidates.
Pulling text out of context seemed to be the method of choice.
Hopefully with the quick removal of the campaign signs lining lawns, there will also be a speedy move to end division.
All of the political parties need to work together to answer the problems which face our nation, state and local communities.
There was a tremendous amount of money spent on this campaign. It would be refreshing to see these resources put into programs which actually helped those who need help.
The voters apparently have agreed Governor Jennifer Granholm deserves a few more years to correct many of the problems she inherited.
Her vision for Michigan is good, more jobs, aid for high school students to be able to go to college and more tourism to help Michigan's economy.
Incumbents State Representative Neal Nitz, U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow, State Senator Ron Jelinek and U.S. Congressman Fred Upton need to keep attuned to what the Michigan residents need and want.
They may not be hitting the pavement looking for a new job, but that doesn't excuse them from looking at their positions in a new way.
Democrats are proclaiming this vote saw a call for change. May that change be swift and benefit the American people.
Instead of concentrating on the election of 2008, it would be refreshing if all involved looked instead to today, making decisions for the good of all, and not with an eye to who will be in control in the future.
Voters need to continue to be vigilant and be aware of how their elected officials are representing their interests.
The job isn't done – it's just beginning.