Looking to the future
Published 12:03 am Friday, March 10, 2006
By Staff
The Southeast Public Safety Authority (SEPSA) formed in 2004 to operate and manage Porter Fire Department and Porter EMS.
The Fire and EMS service serves Mason and south Porter, as well as providing for contractual coverage for the north sections of Porter Townships.
The authority has begun to research current service levels and equipment needs to accurately meet the needs of residents today and develop long term plans to maintain services in the future.
SEPSA's Capital Equipment program has been underfunded for several years, in large part due to State of Michigan revenue sharing cuts. The townships currently have an agreement to fund the Authority from each of their general funds, but as revenues decline, this option will no longer be viable.
SEPSA's problems are two fold. First, several pieces of equipment and fire apparatus are long overdue for replacement and are past the point of refurbishing. The necessary purchase of new equipment will increase capital costs dramatically in the near future.
Second, declining volunteerism, and increased training requirements have increased operational costs for the Authority. Volunteer EMS crews struggle to obtain employment in the industrial sector in this area and find it increasingly difficult to leave their place of employment to cover runs. When coupled with aging equipment this may overwhelm the ability of SEPSA to provide adequate fire and EMS protection.
Several public meetings are being scheduled to share detailed information with the residents of the Authority. All residents are encouraged to check the Porter Fire Department website for updates on places and times for the meetings