Ring Lardner to be test site
Published 8:27 am Tuesday, December 6, 2005
By Staff
NILES - Ring Lardner Middle School has been selected as one of the pilot sites to host a Talk Early &Talk Often parent workshop. The 90-minute workshop is free of charge and will help parents of middle school youth talk with their child about abstinence and sexuality.
It is aimed at helping parents recognize and use opportunities to open the door for conversation, listen and respond with greater confidence and skill, and to feel comfortable seeking outside sources of information. The initiative is being piloted in 60 communities across the state between September and December, 2005.
When asked about Talk Early &Talk Often, Project Coordinator Barbara Flis pointed out, “The Governor recognizes that parents are the primary abstinence and sexuality educators of their children. Continued communication at home is vital in helping our young people avoid sexual relationships they are not yet prepared for.
The workshop will be held on Dec. 13, 2005 at 7 p.m. in the Library at Ring Lardner Middle School. There is no charge to attend; however, space is limited so advanced registration is required.
To register please call 269-683-6610 or for other host site locations go to www.michigan.gov/miparentresources