Teens get their first taste of feeling hungry

Published 2:46 am Saturday, October 29, 2005

By Staff
NILES - Since Friday, at the Riverfront Park at the corner of Front and Ferry streets, in downtown Niles, the Niles-Philadelphia Pathfinder Club has been participating in the 13th annual 30 Hour Famine.
The teens will be forsaking food for 30 hours, ending Sunday, to get a taste of what the world's poorest children and families face on a daily basis.
Each day, about 29,000 children worldwide die from hunger and preventable diseases. During this weekend, the youth hope to raise enough to sponsor at least two children. The teens will be explaining that just $30 a month - just $1 per day can care for a child for 30 days. To donate to the famine, stop by their campsite.
World Vision is a Christian relief and development organization dedicated to helping children worldwide by tackling the cause of poverty.
The Pathfinder Club is a worldwide organization of young people sponsored by the Seventh-day Adventist Church, through which young people of any religious persuasion or none at all, are welcomed and encouraged to join the organization.
Pathfinders offer a wide range of activities including, but not limited to: camping and survival skills, grade appropriate leadership training, activities promoting community pride and involvement, recreational activities and personal care and encouragement.
For more information about the famine or the Pathfinder Club, contact Gregg Baker at (269) 362-3627.