Niles tree removal program back on tap
Published 5:17 am Tuesday, June 14, 2005
By By JAN GRIFFEY / Niles Daily Star
NILES - Niles City Council OK'd the removal of 29 city-owned trees by AEP and its tree-removal contractor, Asplundh.
The council earlier this spring issued a moratorium on AEP's tree-trimming program, fearing the result would be a clear-cutting of trees here.
However, after at least two rounds of negotiations, the council has lifted its moratorium and the company is back at work here.
Each tree on the approval list has the support of the property owner nearest its location, said Joe Ray, the city's assistant public works director.
He said AEP and Asplundh officials sought permission from the property owners before requesting the tree-removal permits from the city.
"It's a lot of trees in a small amount of area. Particularly on Merrifield, a lot of trees will come down," Ray warned. However, he said at least 12 of the 29 trees on the list were slated to come down eventually as part of the city's tree maintenance program.
Ray said property owners whose property the city-owned trees are most near are entitled to tree vouchers, good for the purchase of a replacement tree for the one removed.
Ray also said AEP's contractor is required to grind the stump of the tree at least six inches below grade, remove wood chips and place top soil and grass seed over the stump.
In other business Monday evening, the council:
approved a request from the Junior Optimist Club of Niles to conduct the annual Dragon Boat Challenge during Riverfest on Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 6 and 7.
approved a request to use a portion of Jerry Tyler Memorial Airport to conduct the annual Apple Festival fireworks display on Friday, Sept. 30, and Saturday, Oct. 1.
approved q request from the utilities department to purchase construction signs that meet Michigan Department of Transportation requirements. Utility Department signs, such as those reading, "Men at work," can no longer be displayed, said Tom Dawson of the utilities department. The new signs will cost the department $5,906.75
approved contracting with A. Hattersley &Sons of Fort Wayne, Ind., and Downunder Municipal Services of Lawton to clean excessive grit from the aeration tank at the Wastwater Treatment Plant at a cost of $8,774.80.
approved two contracts totaling $110,728 relating to the repair of serious erosion at the Wells Street Outlet Project.
approved the proposed annual Southwestern Michigan Community Ambulance Service budget and special assessment.
approved several traffic orders on Fourteenth Street and Ferry Street, aimed at easing the traffic situation during drop-off and pick-up times near Eastside Elementary School.
approved a traffic order from Pastor Bryant Bacon of Mount Calvary Baptist Church to replace the existing yield signs with stop signs to eliminate concerns with vehicles rolling through the yield signs at Sixth and Ferry streets.