Cass campground pays $14,300 civil fine
Published 8:18 am Friday, November 19, 2004
By Staff
LANSING - Arrow Ridge Sales Inc. has paid $14,300 in civil fines to the State of Michigan as ordered by Cass County Circuit Court in Department of Environmental Quality v. Arrow Ridge Sales Inc.
The court ordered Arrow Ridge Sales Inc., owner of Willow Shores Campers Resort, to pay an $11,000 civil fine for operating a marina without a marina operating permit and a civil fine of $100 for each day after May 24, 2002, that it maintained its marina facility and provided marina services to the public without having obtained a marina operating permit from the DEQ.
An injunction was issued Oct. 30, 2001, by Cass County Circuit Court, which prohibited Arrow Ridge Sales Inc. from operating its marina until such time as it sought and obtained a permit from the DEQ.
The injunction remains in full force and Cass County Circuit Court retains jurisdiction to enforce its injunction in the event that Arrow Ridge Sales Inc. fails to maintain a valid marina operating permit.
Permits to construct and operate marinas are required by Part 301, Inland Lakes and Streams, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994, P.A. 451, as amended (NREPA).
Campgrounds that provide docks for their clients to moor their boats, or that allow their clients to install their own docks, are required to obtain marina permits under Part 301 of NREPA.
DEQ issued the final marina operating permit number 02-14-0001-M on Jan. 6, 2004, which limits the campground to a maximum 88 boats docked on Baldwin Lake and an adjoining upland channel.
This marina operating permit expires on Dec. 31, 2006.
Marina operating permits are usually issued for a period of three years and are renewable.