Dowagiac junior varsity wrestlers defeat St. Joseph, 24-19; fare well at invitational tourney

Published 1:20 am Friday, January 16, 2004

By By SCOTT NOVAK / Dowagiac Daily News
The Dowagiac junior varsity wrestling team defeated St. Joseph Thursday night, 24-19.
Picking up wins for the Chieftains were Mike Laskey, who pinned Keenan McFall in 54 seconds; Jeremy Shank, who pinned Kraig Koehler in 3:26; Elijah Caldwell, who decisioned Mark Lockwood, 10-6; Nate Behnke, who decisioned Tyler Flora, 5-1; and Shawn Rawson, who pinned Peter Stevens in 58 seconds.
Last Friday night at the St. Joseph Invitational, Dowagiac brought home three championships, five second place finishes and a third place finish.
Winning championships for the Chieftains were Rawson, Behnke and Tony Stewart. Finishing second were Ritchie Hutchinson, Shank, Caldwell, Kyle Bailey and Schuyler File.
Taking third was Laskey.
Dowagiac is back in action tonight as it competes in an individual tournament at Brandywine.